Conference Presentations
2015 |
Crea T. Health and Social Protection for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Household Cash Transfers As Mitigators of Risk. Presented at Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA, January 14-18, 2015.
Pufall E. Migration, school education and substance use amongst OVC in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at Webinar on Research on Children and HIV in the Context of the Post 2015 Agenda and Social Development Goals. Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS (RIATT), January 20, 2015. Gregson S. Determinants and benefits of school enrolment for OVC in east Zimbabwe. Presented at Webinar on Research on Children and HIV in the Context of the Post 2015 Agenda and Social Development Goals. Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS (RIATT), January 27, 2015. Fenton R, Nyamukapa C, Eaton J, Robertson L, Mushati P, Thomas R, Gregson S. Heterogeneity in the impact of conditional and unconditional cash transfers on education by wealth in a community trial in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe National Research Forum on Evidence for Advancing Universal Health Coverage. Harare, Zimbabwe. March 19-20, 2015. Pufall E, Nyamukapa CA, Gregson S, Eaton J, Masoka T, Mpandaguta E, Andersen L, Skovdal M, Campbell CA. The contribution of schools to supporting the wellbeing of children affected by HIV in eastern Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe National Research Forum on Evidence for Advancing Universal Health Coverage. Harare, Zimbabwe. March 19-20, 2015. Fenton R, Nyamukapa C, Eaton J, Thomas R, Robertson L, Mushati P, Gregson S. Heterogeneity in impact of conditional and unconditional cash transfers on education in different wealth groups in an area of high HIV prevalence: results from an RCT in Zimbabwe. AIDS Impact Conference, Amsterdam, July 28, 2015. Gregson S, Pufall E, Eaton J, Robertson L, Mushati P, Nyamukapa C. Substance use, education, and HIV risk in orphans in Zimbabwe. REPSSI Symposium on Children and HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa, AIDS Impact Conference, Amsterdam, July 30, 2015. Nyamukapa C, Pufall E, Robertson L, Mushore P, Takaruza A, Gregson S. Migration as a risk factor for school drop-out in children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS: prospective study in east Zimbabwe. AIDS Impact Conference. Amsterdam, July 29, 2015. Silhol R, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Can UNAIDS’ Spectrum model provide regional estimates for east Zimbabwe? AIDS Impact Conference. Amsterdam, July 30, 2015. Tlhajoane M, Eaton J, Nyamukapa C, Pereboom M, Gregson S. Psychological distress in eastern Zimbabwe: risk factors for and HIV-related consequences of poor mental health in a general population survey in Manicaland province. AIDS Impact Conference. Amsterdam, July 30, 2015. |
2014 |
Eaton J, Takavarasha F, Schumacher C, Garnett G, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Components of sexual behaviour change and sexual risk in eastern Zimbabwe during a decade of declining HIV prevalence. Presented at Scientific Meeting on Using Theoretical Frameworks for HIV and STI Control. 8-10 January 2014, London.
Smith J. Nyamukapa CA, Gregson S, Lewis J, Magutshwa S, Schumacher C, Mushati P, Hallett TB, Garnett GP. The distribution of sex acts and condom use within partnerships in a rural sub-Saharan African population. Presented at Scientific Meeting on Using Theoretical Frameworks for HIV and STI Control. 8-10 January 2014, London. Elmes J. Contribution of hidden and overt forms of sex work to the HIV epidemic in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at Scientific Meeting on Using Theoretical Frameworks for HIV and STI Control. 8-10 January 2014, London. Reniers G, Slaymaker E, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Kabudula CW, Crampin AC, Nyirenda M, Urassa M, Otieno F, Eaton J, Gregson S, Macquins S, Michael D, Hosegood V, Price A, Gomez-Olive X, Kasamba I, Mclean E, Zaba B. Adult life expectancy trends in the era of antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (Abstract MOPE094), Melbourne, Australia. 21 July 2014. Slaymaker E, Zaba B, McLean E, Hosegood V, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Crampin A.C., Price A, Schur N, Reniers G, Urassa M, Lutalo T, Asiki G, Nabukalu D, Sewe M, Nyaguru A, Nyamukapa C, Herbst K. Scale and distribution of excess deaths among HIV positive adults by diagnosis, care and treatment history in African population-bsed cohorts 2007-2011. Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (Abstract MOPE120), Melbourne, Australia. 21 July 2014. Reniers G, Slaymaker E, Kasamba I, Crampin AC, Nyirenda M, Mugurungi O, Urassa M, Lutalo T, Nabukalu D, Aveika A, Schur N, Hosegood V, Chihana M, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, McLean E, Zaba B. Population trends in the uptake of HIV/AIDS services and the survival of HIV positives: evidence from the ALPHA Network of demographic surveillance sites in Eastern and Southern Africa. Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (TUPDC0102), Melbourne, Australia. 22 July 2014. Pell L, Gregson S, Hallett T, Cremin I. Patterns of uptake of HIV testing in a selection of sub-Saharan African countries during the period of ART scale-up: 2008-2012 Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (TUPE371), Melbourne, Australia. 22 July 2014. Negin J, Nyamukapa C, Eaton J, Schur N, Takaruza A, Mason PR, Gregson S. HIV among older adults in Zimbabwe: Ageing with HIV or seroconverting after age 50? Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (WEPDC0103), Melbourne, Australia. 23 July 2014. Pufall EL, Gregson S, Eaton JW, Masoka T, Mpandaguta E, Andersen L, Skovdal M, Nyamukapa C, Campbell C. The contribution of schools to supporting the wellbeing of children affected by HIV in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (WEPE254), Melbourne, Australia. 23 July 2014. Zaba B, Slaymaker E, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Nsubuga R, Crampin A, Kayuni N, Nyamukapa C, Cremin I, Negin J, Gareta D, Mejia-Pailles G, Urassa M, Isingo R, Lutalo T, Nabukalu D, Todd J, Marston M. Summarising current trends in HIV incidence: lifetime infection risk in five community-based longitudinal studies in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of ART roll-out. Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (WEPE148), Melbourne, Australia. 23 July 2014. Church K, Kiweewa F, Todd J, Oti S, Njage M, Mugurungi O, Mpandaguta E, Geubbels E, Mwangome M, Mamdani M, Dasgupta A, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Gomez-Olive FX, Wringe A, Crampin A, Zaba B, ALPHA network for Analysing Longitudinal Population Data on HIV in Africa: A comparative analysis of national HIV policies in six African countries with generalised epidemics: Influences on access to testing, access to treatment and retention in care. Presented at XX International AIDS Conference (THPE283), Melbourne, Australia. 23 July 2014. Mpandaguta E, Chitiyo V, Masoka T, Schur N, Gregson S. District-level M&E of national HIV programmes. Presented at Zimbabwe National AIDS Council Operational Research Dissemination Meeting, Harare, Zimbabwe. 12 September 2014. Eaton J, Takavarasha F, Schumacher C, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Trends in polygyny and non-marital concurrent sexual partnerships. Presented at Zimbabwe National AIDS Council Operational Research Dissemination Meeting, Harare, Zimbabwe. 11 September 2014. Negin J, Nyamukapa C, Eaton J, Schur N, Takaruza A, Mason P, Gregson S. Ageing of the HIV Epidemic in Eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at Zimbabwe National AIDS Council Operational Research Dissemination Meeting, Harare, Zimbabwe. 11 September 2014. |
2013 |
Elmes J. The changing nature and contribution of sex work to HIV transmission during the economic crisis in Zimbabwe. Pre-congress symposium, STI & AIDS World Congress 2013, July 2013, Vienna, Austria | more detail
Elmes J, Nhongo K, Hallett T, White P, Ward H, Garnett G, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. The price of sex: insights into the determinants of the price of commercial sex among female sex workers in rural Zimbabwe. Oral presentation, STI & AIDS World Congress 2013, July 2013, Vienna, Austria | more detail Nyamukapa C, Robertson L, Mushore P, Takaruza A, Gregson, S. A prospective study of the contribution of migration to school drop-out rates amongst children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in eastern Zimbabwe. Oral presentation, XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, August 2013, Busan, South Korea | more detail Mylne A, Schur N, Mushati P, Takaruza A, Ward H, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. The effects of changes in household wealth on HIV risk in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Oral presentation, August 2013, XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, Busan, South Korea | more detail Schur N, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Awareness and uptake of HIV intervention and prevention services in Manicaland, Zimbabwe: Current determinants of coverage and progress over time. Oral presentation, XI International AIDS Impact Conference, 1 October 2013, Barcelona, Spain | Pufall EL, Nyamukapa C, Eaton JW, Munyati S, Robertson, L, Gregson, S. Poorer educational outcomes amongst HIV-affected children in eastern Zimbabwe. Oral presentation, XI International AIDS Impact Conference, 1 October 2013, Barcelona, Spain | more detail |
2012 |
Andersen L, Burgess R, Campbell C, Chauhan A. The potential for AIDS competent schools in Zimbabwe. Invited presentation to LSE Cumberland Lodge Weekend, Windsor, London, 11 November 2012.
Leslie A, Glynn J, Floyd S, Nyagadza AM, Gregson S, Birdthistle I. Sexual violence among adolescent girls in urban Zimbabwe: Social drivers and associations with HIV and Herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) infection. Oral presentation, 140th APHA Annual Meeting (October 27 - October 31, 2012), San Francisco, CA. | more detail Pufall EL, Robertson L & Gregson S. Early findings on the impact of HIV in school education in eastern Zimbabwe. School of Public Health Research Student Symposium, 15 June 2012, Imperial College London Robertson L, Mushati P, Eaton J, Skovdal M, Dumba L, Mavise G, Makoni M, Schumacher C, Crea T, Monasch R, Sherr L, Garnett G, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Conditional cash transfers improve birth registration and school attendance amongst orphans and vulnerable children in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Oral poster presentation, XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012 | more detail Skovdal M, Robertson L, Mushati P, Nyamukapa C, Sherr L, Gregson S. Community-led cash transfers in Zimbabwe: Pathways for buy-in and improved child health and development. Oral poster presentation, XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012 | more detail Campbell C, Scott K, Nhamo M, Nyamukapa C, Madanhire C, Skovdal M, Sherr L, Gregson S. Social capital and HIV Competent Communities: evidence from eastern Zimbabwe. Oral poster presentation, XIX International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012 | more detail Crea T, Lombe M, Robertson L, Mushati P, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Asset Ownership Among Households Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children In Zimbabwe: The Influence of Ownership On Children's Health and Social Vulnerabilities. Presented at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. 11-15 January 2012. Washington DC, USA. Gregson S, Nyamukapa C, Madanhire C, Skovdal M, Sherr L, Scott K, Nhamo M, Morley K, Campbell C (2012) Social Capital and HIV Competent Communities: Evidence from Eastern Zimbabwe. World Bank meeting on Evaluation of the Community Response to HIV/AIDS, 15 February 2012; Standard Chartered Bank, London. |
2011 |
Gregson S, Takavarasha FR, Schumacher C, Mushati P, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa CA. Manicaland HIV/STD Prevention Project: Recent Findings. Presented at Zimbabwe National AIDS Council, 9th March 2011, Civic Centre, Mutare, Zimbabwe.
Gregson S. Why did HIV Decline in Zimbabwe? The Manicaland Study, 1992-2011. Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Imperial College London. 8th June 2011; London, United Kingdom. Campbell C, Skovdal M, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. The role of schools in supporting children affected by HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. Invited talk at British Zimbabwe Society Research Day 2011, ‘Education in Zimbabwe’ 18th June 2011, St Antony’s College, Oxford Schumacher C, Nyamukapa C, Garnett GP, Gregson S. Dissolution of marriage and HIV prevalence in rural Zimbabwe, 2003-2008. Presented at 19th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 11 July 2011; Quebec, Canada. Robertson L, Mushati P, Eaton J, Schumacher C, Gregson S, Nyamukapa C. Education and lifetime risk of HIV in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Presented at 19th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 11 July 2011; Quebec, Canada. Elmes J, Nhongo K, Mutsindiri R, Takaruza A, Hlomula B, Garnett GP, White P, Hallett TB, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Who are the Women at Risk of HIV infection in rural Zimbabwe and how many are there? Presented at 19th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2011; Quebec, Canada. Takavarasha F, Gregson S, Eaton JW, Schumacher C, Mushati P, Nyamukapa CA, Garnett GP. Patterns and trends in concurrency and polygamy in Rural Zimbabwe, 1998-2008. Presented at 19th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2011; Quebec, Canada. Eaton J, Takavarasha F, Gregson S, Hallett TB, Mason PR, Robertson L, Schumacher CA, Nyamukapa CA, Garnett GP. Increasing adolescent HIV prevalence in North-eastern Zimbabwe: evidence of long-term survivors of mother-to-child transmission. Presented at 19th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 11 July 2011; Quebec, Canada. Gregson S. Multi-level strategies to evaluate the impact of HIV prevention programmes in Zimbabwe. Presented at 19th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 11 July 2011; Quebec, Canada. Gregson S, Hallett TB. Populations in research on the dynamics and control of generalised HIV epidemics. Presented at meeting on Population in the Human Sciences, University of Oxford, 9 September 2011; Oxford, UK. Robertson L, Mushati P, Sherr L, Makoni JC, Crea T, Mavise G, Dumba L, Schumacher C, Eaton J, Nyamukapa C, Gregson S. Can we rely on community-participatory methods to target cash transfer programmes to vulnerable households and children in high HIV prevalence and low resource contexts? A case study from Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Presented at AIDS Impact Conference, 13th September 2011; Santa Fé, USA. Nyamukapa CA, Robertson L, Mushati P, Sherr L, Makoni JC, Crea T, Mavise G, Schumacher C, Eaton J, Dumba L, Gregson S. Cash transfer targeting strategies in Zimbabwe: are we reaching all vulnerable children? Presented at AIDS Impact Conference, 13th September 2011; Santa Fé, USA. Gregson S, Nhamo M, Campbell CA. Community group membership and stigmatising attitudes towards people living with HIV in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at AIDS Impact Conference, 13th September 2011; Santa Fé, USA. Zaba B, Ivan Kasamba, Kobus Herbst, Till Barnighauens, Sian Floyd, Raphael Isingo, Simon Gregson, Alison Wringe, Jim Todd and Milly Marston. Using age-specific mortality of HIV infected persons to predict ART need: a new method based on data from five African population-based cohort studies, with an illustrative application for Tanzania, 2007-09 Presented at 16th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa. 4-8 December 2011; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. |
2010 |
Campbell C. Towards a more complex understanding of the contexts of HIV/AIDS management. Conference on local-global dimensions of the fight against HIV/AIDS in low income contexts. 20th-21st September 2010, London School of Economics.
Campbell C. Conceptualising local-global connections for research into HIV/AIDS management in low income settings. Kings College London, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (Centre for Social Medicine and Community Health) and LSE Health Symposium on Health systems, Health economies and Globalisation: Social Science Perspectives. 2nd-3rd July 2010. London. Campbell C. Empowering local communities in a globalised epidemic? Towards an understanding of how the local-global interface shapes the fight against HIV/AIDS in low income settings. Paper presented at the Symposia on Health Systems, Health Economies and Globalisation: Social Science Perspectives. 2nd-3rd July 2010, London School of Economics and Political Science, London. Garnett GP. Modelling in Programme Science. Programme Science Workshop, Rome, 4th May 2010 Garnett GP. HIV Epidemiology. AIDS2010 Invited Lecture at CNIHR Workshop, Vienna, 16 August 2010 Garnett GP. Effectiveness of PrEP. AIDS2010 Invited Lecture at Workshop on preparing for PrEP, Vienna, 16 August 2010 Garnett GP. Measuring HIV Incidence. AIDS2010 Invited Lecture o Scientific Advisory Group on HIV prevention, 17 August 2010 Garnett GP. WHO Symposium on Treatment as Prevention. Vienna, 21 August 2010 Garnett GP. Modelling in Evaluation. Invited Lecture for the Joint BMGF, PEPFAR, UNAIDS workshop on Evaluating complex, combination interventions, Washington, 6 October 2010 Gregson S, Mushati P, Grusin H, Nhamo M, Schumacher C, Nyamukapa CA, Campbell C. Social capital and reduced female vulnerability to HIV infection in rural Zimbabwe. Presented at XVIII International AIDS Conference, 20th July 2010, Vienna, Austria. Gregson S. Mapping and modelling epidemics and behaviour using multiple methods. Presented at XVIII International AIDS Conference, 22nd July 2010, Vienna, Austria. Marsh K, Hallett TB, Gregson S. The representativeness of HIV surveillance trends among antenatal care attendees in the ART era: Exploration through mathematical modelling. Presented at XVIII International AIDS Conference, July 2010, Vienna, Austria. Gregson S, Gonese E, Hallett TB, N Taruberekera, JW Hargrove, B Lopman, EL Corbett, R Dorrington, S Dube, K Dehne, O Mugurungi. HIV decline due to reductions in risky sex in Zimbabwe? Evidence from a comprehensive epidemiological review. Presented at XVIII International AIDS Conference, July 2010, Vienna, Austria. Skovdal M, Campbell C. Exploring how AIDS technologies interface with local constructions of masculinity in ways that undermine men’s uptake of antiretroviral treatment in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the Global/Local Forum. September 2010. London School of Economics and Political Science. Gregson S. Zimbabwe’s HIV decline as an example for evaluating combination prevention. Presented at Zimbabwe National Information Sharing Meeting on the International AIDS Conference 2010, 1 October 2010, Harare, Zimbabwe. Nhamo M, Madanhire C. Community conversations as action research to reduce AIDS stigma: Exploring the role of church groups in Eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at the Annual Medical Research Day, Institute of Continuing Health Education. 23rd October 2010, Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe. Madanhire C, Skovdal M. Masculinity as a barrier to men’s use of HIV services in Eastern Zimbabwe: Exploring some of the factors that make it difficult for men to come to terms with their HIV status and enrol onto an antiretroviral treatment programme. Presented at the Annual Medical Research Day, Institute of Continuing Health Education, 23rd October 2010, Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe. |
2009 |
Hallett TB. Estimating incidence: why, how and is it right? The 2nd Global HIV/AIDS Surveillance Meeting (WHO/UNAIDS), February 2009, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hallett TB. Using prevalence data to make inferences about behaviour change. The 2nd Global HIV/AIDS Surveillance Meeting (WHO/UNAIDS), February 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Garnett GP. Evaluating HIV Programmes. Invited Lecture, Duke University Global Health Institute, 3rd December 2009 Garnett GP. National Trends in HIV evaluation. Invited lecture for the Think Tank on Evaluation Methodology for HIV Prevention Programmes, Wilton Park, Sussex, 3rd September 2009 Garnett GP. Evaluation. Global Fund Workshop on Complex Interventions, London, 17-18 September 2009 Nyamukapa C, Robertson L, Mushati P, Munyati S, Gregson S. Manicaland Cash Transfer Trial: Evaluation of the impact of cash transfers on the well-being of OVC in a major generalised HIV Epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Presented at: UNICEF Social Welfare and Cash Transfer Meeting, 22-24th April 2009, Seville, Spain. Hallett TB. The usefulness of HIV incidence in surveillance, and the current state of the ART. Meeting of Experts on the Development of Assays to Estimate HIV Incidence. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation / FHI / WHO, May 2009, North Carolina. Nhamo M. Role of the church in tackling AIDS stigma. 10th Inter-University Graduates Conference, Culture, Cognition and Construction. 22nd-23rd May 2009. London School of Economics and Political Science, London. Hallett TB. The future of HIV Surveillance. Presented at: 18th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. June 2009, London. Cremin I. Disclosure of serostatus following HIV testing in Zimbabwe. Presented at: AIDS Impact Conference. 22nd-25th September 2009, Gabarone, Botswana. Gregson S. Did behaviour change Interventions cause the HIV Decline in Zimbabwe? Presented at: AIDS Impact Conference. 22nd-25th September 2009, Gabarone, Botswana. Gregson S, Hallett TB. Monitoring progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4 in generalised HIV epidemics: measurement and correction of bias in child mortality statistics. Presented at: XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference, 30th September 2009, Marrakech, Morocco. McGrath N, Kasamba I, Gregson S, Marston M, Maher D, Mushati P, Isingo R. Older people’s sexual behaviour and HIV risk in four high prevalence sub-Saharan African populations. Presented at: XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference, 30th September 2009, Marrakech, Morocco. Slaymaker E, McGrath N, Kasamba I, Cremin I, Gregson S, Hosegood V, Todd J, Zaba B. Age at second sexual partnership: data from sub-Saharan Africa on a poorly described determinant of HIV transmission. Presented at: XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference, 30th September 2009, Marrakech, Morocco. Nyamukapa CA, Gregson S. Informal confidential voting interview (ICVI) methods for reducing social desirability bias in sexual behaviour data. Presented at: ALPHA Network Meeting on Measuring Sexual Behaviour, 7th December 2009, Mwanza, Tanzania. Gregson S. Use of partner loop in Manicaland data collection. Presented at: ALPHA Network Meeting on Measuring Sexual Behaviour, 7th December 2009, Mwanza, Tanzania. Cremin I, Gregson S. Knowledge of serostatus and sexual behaviour in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Presented at: ALPHA Network Meeting on Measuring Sexual Behaviour, 8th December 2009, Mwanza, Tanzania. Eaton J. Comparing measures of partner acquisition rates: Longitudinal data from Manicaland HIV/STD Prevention Project. Presented at: ALPHA Network Meeting on Measuring Sexual Behaviour, 8th December 2009, Mwanza, Tanzania. Campbell C, Nhamo M, Gregson S. Community readiness' for HIV prevention: a Zimbabwean case study. Paper presented to conference on 'Conceptualising the contexts of community mobilisation. September 2009. London School of Economics |
2008 |
Cremin I, Nyamukapa CA, Sherr L, Hallett TB, Chawira G, Cauchemez S, Lopman B, Garnett GP, Gregson S. Patterns of self reported behaviour change following voluntary counselling and testing in a longitudinal study from Manicaland, Zimbabwe. IUSSP seminar on: Potential and actual contribution of behaviour change to curbing the spread of HIV. 18th-20th February 2008. Entebbe, Uganda.
Gregson S. Orphans and vulnerable children in resource poor settings: evidence on the effectiveness of interventions. Presented at USAID Meeting on Setting an Agenda for Research on Orphans and Vulnerable Children. 12-14 March 2008. Washington DC, USA. Nyamukapa CA, Owen H, Mushati P, Robertson L, Wambe M, Gregson S. Health risks associated with orphanhood in Zimbabwe. Presented at USAID Meeting on Setting an Agenda for Research on Orphans and Vulnerable Children. 12-14 March 2008. Washington DC, USA. Gregson S. What becomes of the left behind? Survivors in AIDS-afflicted populations in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Presented at World Bank Meeting on Gender, Poverty & Demography. 25 March 2008. Washington DC, USA. Hallett TB. How to estimate incidence from prevalence; and The impact of monitoring patients pre-ART. UNAIDS Reference Group on Modelling Estimates and Projections. March 2008. London. Hallett TB. What Is the estimated impact of male circumcision intervention: uncertainty and the importance of epidemiological context. UNAIDS/WHO Consultation on the Impact of Male Circumcision. March 2008. London. Hallett TB. Evaluating interventions: assessing the evidence for behaviour change affecting the course of the HIV epidemics. Global Fund Five Year Evaluation, Modelling Workshop for Generalised Epidemics. April 2008. Nairobi, Kenya. Gregson S, Robertson L, Mushati P, Nyamukapa CA. Pilot cash transfer programme for OVC: scientific evaluation. Presented at National Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on Conditional Cash Transfers. 10 April 2008. UNICEF, Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S. Demographic Impact of HIV/AIDS in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at Population Association of America Annual Conference. 17-19 April 2008. New Orleans, USA. Hallett TB. When did HIV decline in Zimbabwe; Changes in sexual behaviour in Zimbabwe; UNFPA/UNAIDS Consultation on the cause of HIV declines in Zimbabwe. May 2008. Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S. Evidence for HIV decline in Zimbabwe: a comprehensive review of the epidemiological data. UNFPA/UNAIDS Consultation on the cause of HIV declines in Zimbabwe. May 2008. Harare, Zimbabwe. Muchini B, Mate R, Gomo E, Halperin D, Benedikt C, Campbell B, Ampomah K, Gregson S, Hallett TB, Magure T, Mugurungi O, HIV decline in Zimbabwe. Update on results from qualitative research and historical mapping. Poster presentation at International AIDS Conference, August 2008. Mexico City, Mexico. Hallett TB. How to measure the impact of circumcision interventions. Forum for Collaborative HIV Research, October 2008. Washington D.C., USA. Cremin I. VCT uptake and ART need in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Presented at: ALPHA Network Workshop on VCT and ART need, uptake and impact. 3rd-7th November 2008. Mzuzu, Malawi. Hallett TB. Meet the experts – mathematical modelling. Infectious Disease Society of America. 2008. Washington DC. Hallett TB. The sharpest decline in Africa: What happened in Zimbabwe? XVI International AIDS Conference, 2008. Mexico City. Gregson S. HIV decline due to the reduction in unprotected casual sex in Zimbabwe? Evidence from a comprehensive epidemiological review. Harward University. December 2008. Boston, USA |
2007 |
Sherr L, Lopman B, Kakowa M, Dube S, Chawira G, Nyamukapa C, Oberzaucher N, Cremin I, Gregson S. Uptake, impact on sexual behaviour, and HIV incidence of VCT in a rural Zimbabwean cohort. Presented at: AIDS Impact Conference, 2007. Marseille, France.
Garnett GP. HIV research at Imperial College. Presentation to: Ambassador Mark Dybul, US Global AIDS Coordinator. 9 January 2007. Imperial College London. Campbell C, Skovdal M. Technologies of ‘participation’ and ‘capacity building’ in HIV/AIDS management in Africa: four case studies. British Sociology Association Conference, Social Connections: Identities, Technologies, Relationships. University of East London. 12th April 2007. Gregson S. Causes of HIV prevalence decline in Zimbabwe: natural dynamics versus behaviour change. Presented at AIDS Impact Conference, 1-4 July 2007. Marseille, France. Watts H. Poorer health and nutritional outcomes in orphans and vulnerable young children not explained by greater exposure to extreme poverty in Zimbabwe. Presented at AIDS Impact Conference, 1-4 July 2007. Marseille, France. Robertson L, Gregson S. Discrepancies between UN models and DHS survey estimates of orphanhood: insights from analyses of Manicaland survey data. Presented at UNAIDS Reference Group Meeting. July 2007. Baltimore, USA. Gregson S. Individual and population-level impact of VCT in Zimbabwe: insights from modelling and empirical studies. Presented at HIV Research Net Conference, 11-12 October 2007, Bergen, Norway. Nyamukapa CA, Watts H, Mushati P, Wambe M, Gregson S. HIV/AIDS-associated orphanhood in Zimbabwe: trends and impact on child health and development. Presented at Zimbabwe Adolescent Health Centre Symposium. 20 November 2007. Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S. HIV decline in Zimbabwe. Presented at London School of Economics Student World AIDS Day Symposium of HIV/AIDS. 1 December 2007. London, UK. |
2006 |
Nyamukapa CA. HIV decline associated with sexual behaviour change in rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Presented at Conference on HIV Prevention in rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe, February 2006. Mutare, Zimbabwe.
Gregson S. Scientific evaluation of HIV prevention. Presented at Conference on HIV Prevention in rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe, February 2006, Mutare, Zimbabwe. Nyamukapa CA. Psychosocial disorders in orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. Presented at Conference on HIV Prevention in rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe, February 2006, Mutare, Zimbabwe. Musara P. A community HIV/AIDS intervention project In Zimbabwe. Presented at Conference on HIV Prevention in rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe, February 2006, Mutare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S, Birdthistle I. Orphanhood as a risk factor for HIV infection in Zimbabwe. Presented at Zimbabwe National OVC Research Conference. May 2006. Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S. Evidence for HIV decline in Zimbabwe: a comprehensive review of the epidemiological data. Presented at Zimbabwe National OVC Research Conference. May 2006. Harare, Zimbabwe. Watts H, Gregson S. The effect of orphanhood on the health & nutritional status of children in Zimbabwe. Presented at Zimbabwe National OVC Research Conference. May 2006. Harare, Zimbabwe. Mangongera C, Nyamukapa CA. School enrolment, attendance and attainment in orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. Presented at Zimbabwe National OVC Research Conference. May 2006. Harare, Zimbabwe. Watts H, Lopman B, Nyamukapa CA, Gregson S. Rising incidence & prevalence of orphanhood in Manicaland, 1998-2003, and changes in living arrangements over time. Presented at Zimbabwe National OVC Research Conference. May 2006. Harare, Zimbabwe. Nyamukapa CA. Psychosocial disorders in orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. Presented at Zimbabwe National OVC Research Conference. May 2006. Harare, Zimbabwe. Lewis JJ, Donnelly CA, Mare P, Mupambireyi Z, Garnett GP, Gregson S. Evaluating the proximate determinants framework for HIV infection in rural Zimbabwe. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [Abstract no. MOPE0351], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Lewis JJ, Mason P, Wambe M, Donnelly CA, Garnett GP, Gregson S. Reconciling male and female reports on numbers of sexual partners: data from rural Zimbabwe. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [14 August 2006; Abstract no. MOPE0497], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Lewis JJ, Garnett GP, Mushati P, Donnelly CA, Nyamukapa CA, Chandiwana SK, Gregson S. The relationship between socioeconomic status and HIV infection in Zimbabwe: differences by gender and location. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [14 August 2006; Abstract no. MOPE0371], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Watts H, Gregson S, Saito S, Lopman B, Beasley M, Monasch R. Poorer health and nutritional outcomes in orphans and vulnerable young children not explained by greater exposure to extreme poverty in Zimbabwe. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [17 August 2006; Abstract no. THPE0754], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Hallett TB, Dube S, Mahomva A, Ncube G, Mugurungi O, Gregson S, Garnett GP. The role of voluntary counselling and testing in preventing HIV Infection and treating AIDS patients: theoretical insights from mathematical modelling. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [16 August 2006; Abstract no. WEPE0401], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Lopman BA, Wambe M, Sherr L, Nyamukapa CA, Chandiwana SK, Gregson S. Condom use in marriage and HIV incidence in Manicaland Zimbabwe. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [15 August 2006; Abstract no. TUPE0462], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Mare P, Lopman BA, Barnabas RV, Boerma T, Chawira G, Donnelly CA, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa CA, Mason PR, Gregson S. Creating and validating a verbal autopsy algorithm to measure AIDS mortality. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [Abstract no. MOPE0070], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Nyamukapa CA, Jukes M. HIV-associated orphanhood and children’s psychosocial disorders: theoretical framework tested with data from Zimbabwe. Presented at: XVI International AIDS Conference [Abstract no. WEPE0707], Toronto, Canada, 2006. Dorrington R, Timæus I, Gregson S. Adult mortality in southern Africa using deaths reported by households: some methological issues and results. Presented at Population Association of America Annual Conference. 2006. Garnett GP. HIV epidemiology in developing countries. Plenary lecture at Scandinavian Society for Genitourinary Medicine. Malmo, Sweden. 10-12 May 2006. Garnett GP. Understanding the effectiveness of HIV prevention. Lecture at Yale University, Yale Center for AIDS Research. 4 May 2006. Gregson S, Mugurungi O, Hargrove JW, Taruberekera N, Gonese E, Greby S, Corbett EL, Dorrington R, Mahomva A, Dube S, Hallett T, Benedikt C, Humphrey JH, Monasch R, Ghys PD, Hader S, Dehne K. HIV decline accelerated by reductions in unprotected casual sex in Zimbabwe? Evidence from a comprehensive epidemiological review. Presented at PEPFAR Implementers Meeting, Durban, 2006. Hallett TB, Gregson S, Lewis JJC, Lopman BA, Garnett GP. Modelling the impact of reducing transgenerational sex: re-writing an age-old story. Presented at PEPFAR Implementers Meeting, Durban, 2006. Gregson S, Lopman BA, Hallett TB. The contribution of commercial sex work to HIV transmission in a generalised epidemic: the case of Zimbabwe. Presented at: UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV Estimates, Modelling and Projections. 29 November to 1 December 2006. Prague, Czech Republic. Garnett GP. The HIV prevention trial. Presentation at WHO Meeting on HIV Prevention. Geneva, Switzerland. July 2006. Campbell C. Social capital and the HIV competent community: Experiences from Zimbabwe. Invited talk: Department of Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies, 2006. London. Campbell C. Political will, international development aid and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. Invited talk to Seminar Series. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Policy Department of Social Policy and Social Work. Oxford University. 11th October 2006. Oxford. Campbell C. Why so many interventions fail. Bishop Simeon Trust World AIDS Day Conference, St Antony’s College, Oxford University. 1st December 2006. Oxford. |
2005 |
Gregson S. Informal confidential voting Interview (ICVI) methods and temporal changes in reported sexual risk behaviour for HIV transmission in Zimbabwe. Presented at: Meeting of the Alliance for Microbicide Development, 13-14 January 2005; Washington D.C., USA.
Gregson S, Lopman B, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa CA, Lewis JJC, Hallett TB, Mason PR, Chandiwana SK, Anderson RM. HIV decline associated with behaviour change in Zimbabwe: a national success following catastrophe? Presented at 16th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2005; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lewis JJC, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa CA, Mason PR, Chandiwana SK, Gregson S. Determinants of a major rural HIV epidemic in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at 16th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2005; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Papaya S, Adamson S, Foster G, Mundondo J, Chimbadzwa T, Gregson S. Integrated community- and clinic-based HIV prevention in eastern Zimbabwe: rationale and description. Presented at 16th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2005; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Gregson S, Adamson S, Papaya S, Chimbadzwa T, Mundondo J, Nyamukapa CA, Mason PR, Garnett GP, Chandiwana SK, Foster G, Anderson RM. Community-randomised controlled trial of an HIV Intervention: community-level failure despite target group success. Presented at 16th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2005; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Nyamukapa CA, Hallett T, Mupambireyi Z, Dube S, Campbell C, Gregson S. Interpretation of intervention trial results: findings from qualitative and mathematical modelling investigations. Presented at 16th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2005; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Barnabas RV, Lopman B, Zvidzai C, Gaitskell K, Harrop K, Mason PR, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa CA, Gregson S. Patterns and causes of mortality in HIV-1 afflicted rural Zimbabwe. Poster presented at 16th International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease. 12 July 2005; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hallett TB, Lewis JJC, Boily MC, Gregson S, Garnett GP. The impact of reducing cross-generational sex and delaying age of sexual debut in generalized epidemics. ISSTDR Satellite Symposium: Prevention strategies for STD and HIV prevention – what, where and when. 2005. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lopman B, Nyamukapa CA, Hallett TB, Mushati P, Spark-du Preez N, Mundandi C, Wambe M, Gregson S. The role of widows in the heterosexual transmission of HIV in Manicaland, Zimbabwe, 1998/2003. Presented at International Union for the Scientific Study of Populations General Conference. 2005. Tours, France. Sherr L, Gregson S, Nyamukapa CA, Oberzaucher N, Lopman B, Mushati P, GP Garnett, SK Chandiwana. Gender differences in voluntary counselling and testing in a rural Zimbabwe setting. Presented at AIDS Impact Conference. April 2005, Cape Town, South Africa. Watts H, Lopman B, Nyamukapa CA, Gregson S. Rising incidence and prevalence of orphanhood in Manicaland, Zimbabwe, 1998-2003. Presented at AIDS Impact Conference. April 2005. Cape Town, South Africa. Dube S, Boily MC, Garnett GP, Mahomva A, Gregson S. Effectiveness of mother-to-child transmission interventions in poor resource settings? The case of Zimbabwe. Presented at CDC-University of Zimbabwe/University of California and San Francisco HIV/AIDS Research Conference 2005, Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S. Evidence for HIV decline in Zimbabwe: a comprehensive review of the epidemiological data. Presented at CDC-University of Zimbabwe/University of California and San Francisco HIV/AIDS Research Conference 2005, Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S. Evidence for HIV decline in Zimbabwe: a comprehensive review of the epidemiological data. Presented to the Honourable David Parirenyetwa, Zimbabwe Minister for Health and Child Welfare. 21 September 2005, Harare, Zimbabwe. Gregson S, Birdthistle I. Orphanhood as a risk factor for HIV infection in Zimbabwe. Presented at 12th Priorities in HIV and Reproductive Health Conference, 2005. Spier, Cape Town, South Africa. Hallett TB, Lopman BA, Lewis JJC, White P, Gregson S, Garnett GP. Modelling the decline in HIV risk in generalized epidemics and the potential impact of ‘ABC’ behavioural interventions and VCT. Presented at Infectious Disease Society of America. 43rd Annual Meeting. 2005. San Francisco, USA. Gregson S. Levels and trends in HIV prevalence in young people: Comparison of ANC and community-based data. Presented at: UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV Estimates, Modelling and Projections. 15 December 2005. Athens, Greece. |
2004 |
Lewis JJ, Garnett GP, Mhlanga S, Nyamukapa CA, Donnelly CA, Gregson S. Beer halls as a focus for HIV prevention activities in rural Zimbabwe. Presented at: BASHH/ASTDA Spring Meeting, Bath, UK, 2004.
Gregson S, Adamson S, Papaya S, Chimbadzwa T, Garnett GP, Nyamukapa CA, Mason PR, Foster G, Anderson RM, Chandiwana SK. Scientific impact and process evaluation of integrated behavioural and biomedical interventions in rural Zimbabwe: Manicaland HIV/STD Prevention Project. Presented at 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference, Zimbabwe, 15-18 June 2004. Harare, Zimbabwe. Mushati P, Gregson S, Mlilo M, Zvidzai C, Nyamukapa CA. Adult mortality and erosion of household viability in towns, estates and villages in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference, Zimbabwe, 15-18 June 2004. Harare, Zimbabwe. Mundandi C, Garnett GP, Voeten H, Nyamukapa CA, Habbema D, Gregson S. Sexual behaviour change, spatial mobility and stabilisation of the HIV Epidemic in Eastern Zimbabwe. Poster presented at 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference, Zimbabwe, 15-18 June 2004. Harare, Zimbabwe. Papaya S, Karichi W, Temberere N, Mundondo J, Gregson S, Foster G. Community and workplace peer education and condom distribution in rural Manicaland. Poster presented at 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference, Zimbabwe, 15-18 June 2004. Harare, Zimbabwe. Adamson S, Gregson S, Chikukwa M, Benza M. Syndromic diagnosis and treatment of STDs and HIV control in Mutasa and Makoni districts. Poster presented at 1st National HIV/AIDS Conference, Zimbabwe, 15-18 June 2004. Harare, Zimbabwe. Dube S, Mundandi C, Voeten H, Vissers D, Coffee M, Garnett GP, Habbema D, Gregson S. HIV and mobility: the Manicaland HIV/STD Prevention Project, Zimbabwe. Presented at Erasmus University / International Organisation for Migration Special Session on HIV and Mobility, International HIV/AIDS Conference, 11-15 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. Mundandi C, Garnett GP, Voeten HACM, Nyamukapa CA, Habbema DK, Gregson S. Sexual behaviour change, spatial mobility and stabilisation of the HIV epidemic in eastern Zimbabwe. Poster presented at XV International HIV/AIDS Conference, 11-15 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. Dube S, Boily MC, Mahomva A, Adamson S, Gregson S. Strategies to prevent parent-to-child transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe: a decision analysis. Poster presented at XV International HIV/AIDS Conference, 11-15 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. Wambe M, Gregson S, Nyamukapa C, Garnett GP, Lewis JJC, Mason PR, Chandiwana SK, Anderson RM. HIV infection and reproductive health in teenage women orphaned and made vulnerable by AIDS in eastern Zimbabwe. Presented at XV International HIV/AIDS Conference, 11-15 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. Mushati P, Gregson S, Mlilo M, Zvidzai C, Nyamukapa CA. Adult mortality and erosion of household viability in towns, estates and villages in eastern Zimbabwe. Poster presented at XV International HIV/AIDS Conference, 11-15 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. Gregson S, Hallett TB, Garnett GP. Estimating the impact of possible interventions. Presented at Population Services International Special Session on Epidemiological Modelling of Cross-Generational Sex, International HIV/AIDS Conference, 11-15 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. |
2003 |
Mushati P, Gregson S, Mlilo M, Zvidzai C, Nyamupaka CA. Adult mortality and erosion of household viability in AIDS-afflicted towns, estates and villages in eastern Zimbabwe. Scientific Meeting on Empirical Evidence for the Demographic and Socio-Economic Impact of AIDS, 26-28 March 2003; Durban, South Africa.
Gregson S. School education & reproductive health outcomes among OVCs in rural Zimbabwe. Invited lecture, UK Forum on HIV/AIDS and Education, 2003, London. Gregson S. The relationship between ANC and population sample estimates of HIV prevalence in young people: Evidence from community studies. Presented at: UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV Estimates, Modelling and Projections, December 2003. Sintra, Portugal. Gregson S. Comparison of HIV prevalence in ANC attendees and the general population in localized population-based studies. Presented at: UNAIDS/WHO Technical Consultation, Reconciling Survey and Surveillance-Based Estimates of HIV prevalence. 2003. Lusaka, Zambia. |